Category Archives: Video Interviews

Video interviews conducted by WCU ME Cohort students

Entrepreneur Video Interviews Video Interviews

SME Interview with Jeff Lamb Socius Capital

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Jeff Lamb. Nearly 10 years ago, Jeff and I worked for the same employer, however we rarely interacted as he was an EVP of the global business whose primarily focus was taking the company public. He is currently a Partner at Socius Capital, which is a small firm that he and a few friends formed that buys or invests in small to medium sized business.

Video Interviews

Trials and Tribulations of Working for a Serial Entrepreneur

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Jessica Delaney and Molly Abernathy share their words of wisdom about working for a serial entrepreneur.  They discuss the ups and downs and everything in between.  Those wanting to jump into the entrepreneurial pool should take note of their challenges and learn from their suggestions on how to be a better employer.

Jessica began her career at Mosaix Group as an intern and steadily worked her way up to managing massive events and

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