
Interview #4 Tony Arrowood – Foothills E-Store



Owner :  Tony Arrowood

Business Name:  Foothills E-Store

Industry Business:  Internet Online

Education:  AAS Business Administration, Isothermal Community College

Professional Background:  Shipping Manager, ITG Corporation

(Interview conducted by Scott Hutchins)

My interview with Tony Arrowood was my fourth interview. Tony was a previous student in my classes I teach at Isothermal Community College. Tony created Foothills E-Store. This has two components. First Tony will sell any item on E-Bay for a commission. Second, Tony buys out storage unit contents at auctions and purchasing items at estate auctions. These items are sold online using several auction sites such as E-Bay.

Tony is a unique individual because he has knack at what would sell online. He spends large amounts of time researching the value of antiques and other items to determine what to buy. His company is now one year old. One of his biggest problems has been the sluggish economy.

Tony has an interest in vending and gumball machines. I one time he had a vending route business. He got interested in collecting vintage gumball machines. One way to find these was to attend auctions. This passion for collecting has drove him to create a business.
Again, in every interview I conducted, I tried to ask some of the same questions to each business owner. I asked several questions relating to advice they could give to others and one question very specific; what do you think should be the top five issues that individuals should consider when starting their own business. My goal as the interviewer is to determine a greater understanding of what one must consider and avoid when starting a business.

Mr. Arrowood had the following response to the first question, “what advice would you give to someone thinking of starting their own business?” The second question, “what would be the top five issues or obstacles that should be considered when starting your own business?”

Response to question one:
1) In the Beginning have plenty of working capital
2) By used office equipment to save on start up cost
3) Some things are not taught, you will learn as you go
4) Don’t wait or put off your ideal of a business or you will never do it

Response to question two:
1) Capital / Money
2) Prepare for lots of hours in starting up
3) Learn to balance your time management skills
4) Set Goals
5) Make sure you are pleasing the customer

This interview pointed out some unexpected challenges that you may not foresee in owning your business. This interview provided both successes and failures that are realities.

Note: Copy of Interview Questions posted on our cohort site.


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