
Interview #6 Connie Henderson – Copcat Embroidery



Owner :  Connie Henderson

Business Name:  Copycat Embroidery

Industry Business:  Specialty Retail

Education:  AAS Marketing & Retailing – Isothermal Community College

Professional Background:  General Laborer

(Interview conducted by Scott Hutchins)

My interview with Connie Henderson was special because she was a previous student of mine in our marketing program. For many years, she has done embroidery work out of her home. After Connie was laid off and forced to return to school for retraining, she turned her hobby into a successful business.

Connie has always held high skilled laborer jobs in textile mills. She has never run a business until in the last 2 years. This has been a good venture so far because of a couple of reasons. She told me that she enjoys what she is doing, increased her business 25% from last year and is looking to purchase more embroidery machines without taking out a loan.

Again, in every interview I conducted, I tried to ask some of the same questions to each business owner. I asked several questions relating to advice they could give to others and one question very specific; what do you think should be the top five issues that individuals should consider when starting their own business. My goal as the interviewer is to determine a greater understanding of what one must consider and avoid when starting a business.

Ms. Henderson had the following response to the first question, “what advice would you give to someone thinking of starting their own business?” The second question, “what would be the top five issues or obstacles that should be considered when starting your own business?”

Response to question one:
1) Be open minded
2) Try not to go in debt but save plenty of capital before starting

Response to question two:
1) Capital
2) Customer service is critical
3) Being able to go several months without getting paid
4) Plan for next year not next week
5) Be passionate about what you are doing

After interviewing Connie, it is apparent that you need capital and you must be passionate about your business. This has been an underlying theme throughout all the interviews. Owning your own business can have both challenges and rewards. However I think if you have the right mindset going into the venture, you will find a way to make it work.

Note: Copy of Interview Questions posted on our cohort site.


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