Entrepreneur Written Interviews Written Interviews

Interview with James Orsinger, Owner of Vienna Help

James Orsinger solves customers’ computer problems. He built a thriving business within a three mile radius. His word of mouth business is over 90%. He has successfully promoted himself and his company.

Tell me a little bit about yourself…

I worked as an engineer in technology, electrical control, and hydraulics. I took my first computer programming class in 1969. Back then we used punch cards and fed our programs into a large mainframe.

I owned a welding shop before this business. I sold it in 2000. I also am certified to repair furnaces and install and repair other heating and air conditioning units. As a skilled technical person I could charge $40-50 per hour rather than make $30 per hour working for a company.

What motivated you to start this company?

Since 1969 working on computers has been a hobby. I noticed that people were dependent on their computers and email. I was the “go to” person among family and friends for their computer problems.

How have you applied what you learned in other businesses to running this company?

Keep as low an overhead as possible. Avoid monthly charges. Don’t go into debt. Learn what rates to charge. Work on the business rather than in the business.

How many employees do you have? one

I am training my nephew to do computer troubleshooting and repair.

How do you select people to join your company?

I want employees who are good communicators and motivated to improve their computer technology skills by earning certifications. They also need to be able to discuss computer rates with the customers.

How are things going in your company in general?

I have more business than I can handle in a three mile radius. I am a member of Business Networking International which is a group that meets once a week to share leads among the members. I average two referrals per week which are prequalified jobs. Membership is $330 per year which is better than paying $400 for a one-time ad in the newspaper. Word of mouth referrals are over 90% of our business. All small businesses need a computer checkup. My company offers a computer day spa for a $150 flat rate in which we clean out the computer, scan for hardware issues, spyware, and viruses. We guarantee that the client’s computer will be faster than when it was brand new. A courier service picks up the computer and drops it off once it’s repaired. We also offer remote assistance. We build relationships and increase the level of trust with clients.

How do you keep up with current events in your industry?

I read technical manuals, Science News, Wired and other periodicals.

What advice would you give someone who was considering a career in your field?

Work for someone smarter than yourself. Get experience first. Use resources to solve problems. Save money. Buy a van. Learn a trade. Be really competent at something.


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